Become a BEAT® Auditor

You want to grow your company and flatten the ups and downs of the economy. You want to stay in the energy conservation game but you don’t want o spend a lot of capital to create a revenue stream. Join the BEAT® Team and learn about the building envelope and the role it plays in our energy independence and the need for envelope auditors. Join the BEAT® community, a national network of like-minded companies and building envelope auditors. Learn the skills needed to audit and enjoy a valuable relationship with existing building owners and operators. Keep your employees by earning valuable skills while generating revenue for the company – with minimal capital investment.

Become a BEAT® Member

The first step to becoming a BEAT® Building Envelope Auditor is joining the team.  All team members pay the same price and enjoy the same membership benefits including;

  • Qualified Audit Request Leads
  • Auditor Training and Technical Support
  • Access to the Air Leakage Impact Calculator (ALIC)
  • Customized and Branded Audit Reports
  • Access to the BEAT® network through a bulletin board
  • A secure Dashboard to track training progress
  • 24/7 Access to all training downloadable training materials
  • An Auditor Performance Line (posted or private)
  • Monthly Newsletter
  • Articles and updates for further training
  • Sales and Marketing materials

Get Trained and Get Qualified

BEAT® auditor approval is a 4 step process.  Education and Understanding, Training, Testing, and Demonstration. Together, the 4 cornerstones of the approval process give auditors the tools to conduct a valuable audit and building owners the confidence that the audit is conducted safely, accurately and efficiently.

Education and Understanding

theory practice

Understanding can be gained through conventional learning or practical experience. BEAT® gives credit for the knowledge, not the path.


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BEAT® Training identifies the key features of the BEAT® audit, how to conduct a BEAT® audit and touches on the financial and environmental impact calculations. It shows you what’s special about the BEAT® program.


test taking

BEAT® auditors are tested on their understanding of the material.


writing on clipboard

To become an authorized BEAT® auditor, the candidate will perform a mock audit with an instructor to put the theory into practice.

As an approved BEAT® Auditor, you will need to know a little about Building Science, Safety and learn how to conduct an audit.  The following subject areas and hours of learning are required.  If you are currently enjoying a career within the Energy Conservation industry, you are familiar with most course requirements, simply submit your certificate of participation and you will be credited with your attendance.  If you are new to the industry, you must provide proof (certificate or learning credits) that you have attended lectures and accumulated the required hours.  Many of these courses are available on the website under the Continuing Education section.  All are available at the various providers listed.

All these courses are presented during the 2 ½ day BEAT® Auditor Training.

Required Training

OSHA 10 Certificate 10
Building Science
Building Codes 1011
Air Barrier Concepts and Materials 2
House as a System 2
Insulation Materials1
Roofing Assemblies1
Wall Assemblies1
Spray Applied Polyurethane Foam Basics1
Caulks and Sealants1
Construction Experience and Exposure
Material and Labor Estimating1
Construction Sequence 1

Advanced Training 

Thermography (Infra-Red Camera)
Level 1 Thermography
Building Science
HVAC and the Building Envelope
Heat / Air / Moisture physics of wall assemblies
Building Codes and Energy Codes
Material Science
Spray Applied Polyurethane Foam – Intermediate
Spray Applied Polyurethane Foam - Advanced


Yearly Membership Dues$600 / yr. Payable upon Sign-up renewed on your Anniversary
Training and Accreditation2 ½ Day Live / Classroom Event $600 / person*
2 ½ Day Live Webinar Event $495 / person
At your paceOn-Line Event $30 / course
Calculation and Report Writing $550 / BldgCan be Customized to your brand

* Training includes instruction, written test, and supervised building audit.  Student must achieve a minimum test grade of 70% and pass practical audit test.

* Pricing is negotiable based on guaranteed class size.

BEAT® is a registered tradename and mark of Tom Harris PUR Consulting, LLC