
Are you talking to the right people about energy conservation measures for CONUS and OCONUS installations?

Let’s talk about polyurethane foam, the Code, the various installations, contractors and the variables in order to get you and your colleagues up to speed with the latest technologies.

The military knows foam. I spent two years as project manager for Honeywell under Operation Iraqi Freedom spray foaming temporary structures. It worked. The USACE energy conservation measures program has now identified several key requirements for air barriers and construction. Here’s one of their recommendations.

"The data show the importance of including an experienced independent building envelope consultant on the project to review drawings and to perform site visits for quality control review."

As a founding member of the Air Barrier Association of America, and chairman of the task group that developed the Canadian Evaluation Standard for spray applied polyurethane foam air barriers, I would be delighted to support the Military's efforts to become net zero energy by 2030.

As focus is shifting away from demand side management to production side management and distribution, we run the risk of overestimating demand. Every effort must be made to reduce demand to its lowest level before creating power generation capability. In Iraq, our team turned off 50% of the air conditioners on every structure we insulated and delivered an interior temperature of 65F in an environment over 130F. We applaud the financial savings and bless the saving of lives associated with reduced fuel convoys.

Let’s talk about demand side energy management and the role spray foam insulation can play in meeting reduction targets.

BEAT® is a registered tradename and mark of Tom Harris PUR Consulting, LLC