Let's Talk
Building Envelope Audit Team
What is BEAT®?
The BEAT® auditor team was created to provide building envelope auditing services to building owners and a business opportunity for those interested in becoming involved in the energy conservation conversation.
The BEAT® audit incorporates a well known approach to building envelope auditing established in the 1980’s under the guidance of the National Research Council of Canada and Ontario Hydro. Under BEAT®, the original EC 128/ALCAP software has been modified to include ROI and Payback calculations and environmental impact analysis specific to the measures (things that need to be done) identified in the audit. The method and air leakage calculation have been reviewed and accepted by energy conservation leaders and utilities and is now an accepted
method for determining potential rebates under the Federal Government Inflation Reduction Act 179D program. BEAT® audit methods and the updated calculations have been created by an industry leading team of experts including Dr. Randy Van Straaten, P.Eng. and President of Building Enclosure Labs, Inc., Michael Galello, President of Michael Galello Building Science, LLC and Tom Harris, President of Tom Harris PUR Consulting, LLC. Each individual brings years of technical and operational experience to BEAT®.
BEAT® seeks to educate and develop a nation wide team of trained building envelope auditors. By employing the KISS principle, we deliver employment opportunities to individuals and departments who want to participate in the energy conservation movement in a meaningful way, but who don’t want to be engineers.
Become a BEAT® Auditor
You want to grow your company and flatten the ups and downs of the economy. You want to stay in the energy conservation game but you don’t want to spend a lot of capital to create a revenue stream. Join the BEAT® Team and learn about the building envelope and the role it plays in our energy independence and the need for envelope auditors. Join the BEAT® community, a national network of like-minded companies and building envelope auditors. Learn the skills needed to audit and enjoy a valuable relationship with existing building owners and operators. Keep your employees by earning valuable skills while generating revenue for the company – with minimal capital investment.
BEAT® is a Nationwide team of independent Building Envelope auditors.
As a Beat® Auditor, you will create revenue by providing an auditing service
As a BEAT® Team Member, your auditing staff will generate revenue from the audit service and opportunity for downstream contracting and building envelope maintenance
As a BEAT® Team Member, you have access to other team members and continuing education
As a BEAT® Team Member you are connected to building owners who share the vision
Let’s do this.

Why Audit and Why Now?
Buildings generate nearly 40% of annual global CO2 emission.
Building operations are responsible for 28% annually.
We need to reduce the operational CO2 contribution from our existing buildings.
A good place to start is understanding the impacts and savings potential in our building envelopes.

A simple Building Envelope Audit can determine where the opportunities exist, the investment needed to fix them, and the ROI in both financial terms and environmental impact.
Many tenants in commercial and residential buildings currently lack real-time insight into energy use.
In commercial and residential settings, energy costs may be monitored by only a few people or embedded in rental charges, reducing transparency and any incentive to reduce energy use. The BEAT® Team Audit will identify the potential dollar savings and show you with real-time energy consumption charts.
Building Audits are the first step and they present an opportunity for growth if you or your company is already in the energy conservation game. Become a member of the BEAT® Team – join a community of trained, capable and dedicated auditors in the Commercial / Industrial / Institutional space.
Lowering our impact starts with an audit.
Take The First Step

BEAT® is a registered tradename and mark of Tom Harris PUR Consulting, LLC