In our latest podcast, Thomas Harris of PUR Consulting, discusses auditing and training.
The Federal Government is upping their support of existing building retrofits for energy conservation through federal and state level tax credit and financial rebates for energy conservation activities. For example, the state of Kansas now offers support for existing building owners who decide to reduce their environmental impact of their building portfolio.
As a result of current economic uncertainty and the lingering impact of supply chain issues, the residential and commercial construction build rates have slowed. It’s an experience that in these times, contractors look for new growth opportunities, new applications, they develop new skills and techniques to position their companies for the next recovery.
Some of the things they look for includes staffing – “Do I need to add new employee’s or can I train my current staff,” “Do I have the capability and bandwidth to take on a new market,” “What are the training requirements – access to training and support.”
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